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To Import Service from File

  1. Go to Integrations - IPAAS > Integrations dashboard.
  2. Go to the integration where you want to import a service. Then, click on the name of the integration. 
  3. Select Import Services From Schema.     
  4. In the Import Services dialog:

    • Select Import from File.
    • Select Select file to add the .json/.yaml file for Open API and .json/.xml file for OData to add the service to the integration.
    • Select Test button. The platform displays a list of services that you can add to the integration.
    • Select the service(s) that you want to add.
    • Select the Import.
  1. Select Yes to confirm import service.
    Imported services are added to the services dashboard of the integration. In the canvas, you can edit, debug, configure different input/output schemas, create different versions, and save the service.

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